QA Webinar: How to Deliver Quality Assurance at Speed

As teams transition to an agile development workflow, many struggle with how to adapt traditional testing methods in an agile culture. Teams are often forced to trade off the quality of their product against the speed of shipping.

At Atlassian, we’ve pioneered a different approach, known as Quality Assistance. Instead of creating a separate test team to hold responsibility for quality, a small team of Quality Assistance engineers evangelizes and coaches sustainable testing methods across the development team. Have we piqued your interest? Sign up today to learn more about how Jira transformed QA to unlock quality at speed.

Join us on Wednesday, September 17th at 10am AEST

Meet Penny Wyatt, leader of the Jira QA team. She’ll walk you through how we’ve enabled the Jira developers to be great champions for quality. This webinar will also focus on three key areas to help maximize your development speed without sacrificing quality.

QA Webinar: How to Deliver Quality Assurance at Speed

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