A new Bamboo release for the new year

Since Bamboo 5.0, we’ve had an astounding amount of feedback on deployments. The team decided to take the opportunity to work on some refinements on the user experience and a range of other improvements in Bamboo 5.3.

What’s new

Deployment buttons have drop downs which lets you select the environment you want to deploy to – without having to take the extra step of going through the deployment preview screen.


Releases can now be created right from the deployment preview page. When deploying to an environment, you no longer need to create a release before entering a deployment preview.


Finally, security has been beefed up with XSRF protection to make cross-site attack forgery a thing of the past.

Bamboo 5.3 also fixed a number of bugs that can effect the stability of your Bamboo system, so be sure to read the release notes for more information.

Thanks for sticking with us in 2013 – we can’t wait to show you what we have in store for 2014!

Check out Bamboo 5.3 today

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