What’s new in Git 1.8.5

While we wait for the next major git release which will bring about some serious updates let’s peel off the notes of the latest point release: 1.8.5 is upon us!

Here is what I could dig from the release notes that was interesting to me in my role of average git user.

Oh and if you haven’t seen them yet check out my earlier notes on releases 1.8.2, 1.8.3 and 1.8.4.

Customary installation pointers

It is customary for me to provide a few pointers for the upgrade, with caveats and reminders that package managers in some cases might delay the distribution; that is out of my hands. In any case, here are some painless instructions to upgrade:

HEAD new alias is finally live

This had been cooking for a while and it’s finally in: HEAD has a new alias, instead of typing four capital letters you can say “@” now, e.g. “git log @“.

Some rebase polish

Rebase saw some polish:

Tiny status improvements

Varied improvements to git status have been included in this release:

Diff for “all-but” classes

git diff –diff-filter could already filter several classes of changes:

    Select only files that are Added (A), Copied (C), Deleted (D), Modified (M), Renamed (R), have their type
    (i.e. regular file, symlink, submodule, ...) changed (T), are Unmerged (U), are Unknown (X), or have had
    their pairing Broken (B). Any combination of the filter characters (including none) can be used. When *
    (All-or-none) is added to the combination, all paths are selected if there is any file that matches other
    criteria in the comparison; if there is no file that matches other criteria, nothing is selected.

It can can now take lowercase letters to mean show everything but these classes.

HTTP variables per site

Welcome submodule awareness on move

Submodule support has been steadily improving with every release, this time git gains the ability to relocate submodules:

    'git mv A B' when moving a submodule A has been taught to relocate its working tree and to adjust the paths in the .gitmodules file.

Performance, Internal Implementation, etc.

Other tidbits

Other interesting tidbits directly from the release notes:

That’s it for now. Let me know if you find this update useful and stay tuned for more. Follow me @durdn for more DVCS rocking.

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