Bamboo 5 is Almost Here

We’ve been talking a lot in the past 6 weeks about how excellent tooling can compliment excellent on-the-ground processes, with a special eye toward the approach known as DevOps. For those just tuning in, DevOps is a shorthand way of saying “Hey, y’know how Agile brings product management, dev & QA together, and emphasizes automation? Wouldn’t it be awesome if we invited ops and IT to the party too?”

And it is pretty awesome. That’s why so many teams are interested in the cultural and technical practices that go along with it.

There is no tool that will magically transform you into a DevOps team. It’s each team’s commitment to breaking out of the ruts they’re in with repetitive manual processes and hand-off documents that makes the difference. What we’ve done with Bamboo 5 is create a tool to facilitate that. If you missed any of our preview blogs so far, here’s a recap:

It all boils down to getting teams to collaborate better across job functions, silos and geographies. Organizations that embrace continuous improvement on these fronts deliver better software, ship it sooner, and retain more of their top talent.

So look for the official release of Bamboo 5 next week and get ready to bridge the chasm between dev and ops!


UPDATE: Bamboo 5 has landed! Take the tour here.


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