Add Boards to Confluence with Canvas Blueprints

This is a guest blog post from Comalatech, makers of the Ad hoc Workflows and Ad hoc Canvas add-ons for Atlassian Confluence.

Confluence 5.1, released last week, introduced Confluence Blueprints–out-of-the-box solutions to common business problems. Blueprints make creating amazing wiki content easy and provide ideas and structure so your organization can get started right away.

Comalatech developed Ad hoc Canvas Blueprints take advantage of Confluence’s new Blueprints functionality. Strategy Canvas and Task Canvas Blueprints allow you get started quicker by inserting popular Canvas boards and business frameworks into your pages and easily manage your teams activities through Task Canvas boards.

Get Ad hoc Canvas for Confluence

Ad hoc Canvas Blueprints

The Strategy Canvas and Task Canvas Blueprints are now accessible through the new Confluence ‘Create’ button. Manage your teams tasks easier with Task Canvas boards. Instantly build and insert popular Canvas boards and business frameworks, such as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis, Risk Management Matrix and Product Experience Canvas into your pages. Frameworks are an effective way for organizations to visualize concepts and their relationships, which often go on to form the core content of many management strategies.

Task Canvas

The new Task Canvas Blueprint lets you easily manage your teams tasks and projects in a kanban style.

  1. List your project’s tasks
  2. Assign tasks to team members
  3. Advance tasks sequentially through customizable statuses

Work with the Tasks Canvas board to add your team members and insert cards to list your tasks. Move tasks around containers once the status changes.

Strategy Canvas

The Strategy Canvas Blueprint lets you select from a range of popular Canvas boards and business frameworks.

  1. Instantly insert Canvas boards into Confluence from a selection of available boards
  2. Stay up to date by accessing newly added boards through Canvas Exchange
  3. Build your own customized board from scratch
  4. Import existing boards from your Confluence content


For more, watch the demo video below.

Get Started with Ad hoc Canvas

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