Marketplace Monday: Zephyr for Jira

Each week, Marketplace Monday profiles one great add-on available in the Atlassian Marketplace–where you can try and buy more than a thousand add-ons for Atlassian products.

Zephyr for Jira is an integrated test management application that runs completely within Jira 5 instances. The team at Zephyr has tightly woven their application into Jira’s native UI so the look and feel is completely intuitive. For many teams, end-to-end project management covers planning, development, tracking and reporting, and testing–Zephyr’s test management solution is a great addition to the Jira story.

Zephyr is for

How it works

Once Zephyr is enabled in Jira 5, it adds a new issue type of “Test”, a Test item in the project navigation bar, Test Summary and Test Cycles tabs in the project view and several gadgets to allow users to track specific information in their Jira dashboards. These are all the tools you need to start creating tests, planning test cycles, executing tests, and tracking metrics.

Effective testing in QA is critical to building great software. Here’s how Zephyr for Jira helps you manage your QA process:

Create and view tests

Plan test execution cycles

Execute tests and track metrics

Zephyr in Action

Part of Zephyr’s power is its ability to fit into your organization’s existing practices. The UI looks and feels just like Jira, and its integrated with the rest of Atlassian’s products so that incorporating Zephyr into your existing QA methodology will go smoothly. They’ve described how Zephyr can fit into various test management practices here. ProCare is an example of a company that was already managing all their projects, bugs, requirements, and timesheets in Jira. When they realized they could manage testing within Jira as well, it was a no brainer. In the words of Procare’s Jim Begley, “Zephyr for Jira gives us visibility into testing and bug metrics. Before we only had bug metrics, but now we have test metrics that allow us to see whether a bug is really one bug or three smaller bugs made up into one bug.”

The X Factor

Zephyr for Jira is even more powerful for QA when used in tandem with Atlassian’s agile exploratory testing tool for web applications: Bonfire. Zephyr allows Bonfire users to create tests straight from the application they are testing via the Bonfire browser extension. These tests take advantage of all the power of Bonfire, including descriptions, instant screenshots, and dynamic variables. Finally, tests can be created and executed as part of Bonfire test sessions.

You can now get great add-ons like Zephyr for Jira straight from the universal plugin manager, which is available in Jira, Confluence, and our developer tools. If you’re running UPM 1.6 or later, just check the plugin manager to update to the latest version. Otherwise, download it manually from the Atlassian Marketplace. Read more about the awesome updates the Atlassian Ecosystem team is bringing to the add-on experience!

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