Announcing the Codegeist 2012 Winners

Seven short weeks ago, on the first day of Summit, we kicked off Codegeist 2012, our sixth annual add-on development competition. Participants had six weeks to throw together one or more kick-ass add-ons for a chance to win cash prizes totaling $45,000 USD. Codegeist ended last week (16 July). This year’s was, by far, the best Codegeist we’ve had yet.

Codegeist 2012 received 94 high quality entries across six different products. We’re confident that many of these new add-ons will become tomorrow’s top add-ons for their usefulness and ingenuity in solving a problem. Check out the full list of this year’s Codegeist entries.

The Winners

This year’s Codegeist defined four distinct categories:

  1. Best Overall Add-on
  2. Best Community Rated Add-on
  3. Best Marketplace-paid Add-on
  4. Best Stash Add-on

The fine print in our competition rules states that we would only give out the community rated add-on if we receive at least 2,000 ratings across all Codegeist entries. Unfortunately, we didn’t receive as many as we’d hoped. So, instead of giving out a community prize, we’ve decided to enhance the prize categories a bit by providing a “runner-up” level to each category instead worth $5,000 USD — which means more winners! So, without further ado, introducing the winners for Codegeist 2012…

Best Stash Add-on

Stash, if you didn’t know, is the newest addition to our product family. At its core, Stash is a Git repository management solution for enterprise teams. The Stash community is growing fast and because Stash comes equipped with the same plugin system as our other products, we expect there to be lots of add-ons to be built by the community extending the product in novel ways.

Winner: Stash ReadMe Parser ($7,500) — The Stash ReadMe Parser does one thing and does it extremely well. It looks for a ReadMe file in your repository and renders it in the proper format. We chose this add-on for its usefulness and solid implementation. Definitely a must have for you Stash users out there.

Runner-up: Awesome Graphs for Stash ($5,000) — Awesome Graphs adds stunning visualizations that chart your team’s development productivity over time. It’s a great example of what’s possible in a Stash add-on.

Best Marketplace-paid Add-on

The Atlassian Marketplace is your single source for Atlasssian Add-ons. A Marketplace-paid add-on built by a third-party vendor can be evaluated and purchased using the same purchasing experience as our other Atlassian products. It streamlines the purchasing process for system admins or users of our products. Third party vendors who wish to sell their add-ons use the Marketplace to list, market, and sell their plugins using this streamlined experience making their products easier to sell and distribute.

Winner: Behave for Jira ($7,500) — Behave for Jira is a powerful and easy to use agile testing and requirements discovery tool. It allows users to take TDD to the next step, Acceptance Test Driven Development. It makes use of Cucumber to automate the running of acceptance test criteria entered in Jira.

Runner-up: Image Slider for Confluence ($5,000) –The Image Slider for Confluence is an elegant and useful image viewer that allows Confluence users to add a beautiful image slider to any page or blog.

Best Overall Add-on

The Best Overall category showcases the best add-ons in the entire competition.

Winner: Bug Watcher ($15,000) — This add-on allows Jira users to watch issues in many ways: by project, through the issue navigator, bulk issue watching, and more. It’s one add-on that manages to satisfy close to 350 votes across multiple Jira feature requests — definitely useful!

Runner-up: Badgr ($5,000) — Badgr motivates developers by rewarding them with beautifully designed badges for doing their job well. It makes committing and pushing code to Stash so much more fun and engaging.

Thank you!

That’s it. We’d like to thank all the participants for entering this year’s Codegeist. It’s been an amazing 6 weeks of hacking. It’s amazing to see what the community is capable of building on top of our products.

Until next time… keep building and sharing!

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