Browse, Try, Buy, on Atlassian Marketplace

This morning at Summit 2012 we announced Atlassian Marketplace. So, what’s the big deal? Haven’t customers been able to buy add-ons for years on the Atlassian Plugin Exchange? Atlassian Marketplace expands upon the Atlassian Plugin Exchange to make it easier than ever to browse, try, and buy powerful add-ons for all your Atlassian applications.

1. Browse – Improved User Experience

With Atlassian Marketplace, we support a ton of new features to help you quickly browse and find your perfect add-on. Our revamped add-on categories, which are now limited to three per add-on, will help you quickly find the most relevant tools for your task. Our new banner carousels will allow you to quickly and easily view in-product screenshots and videos at the front and center of our add-on detail pages. And our updated 4-star rating system will let you evaluate add-ons based on community feedback.

You can discover add-ons for hundreds of use cases, like test management software for Jira, time tracking, custom wiki themes for Confluence, enhanced technical documentation, and project management.

Atlassian Marketplace is also available in-product via the Universal Plugin Manager. So whether you prefer to browse for add-ons from within your favorite web-browser, or via your favorite Atlassian application, we’ve got you covered.

2. Try – One-Click Add-On Trials

With Atlassian Marketplace, you can try add-ons directly from the add-on detail page. A free 30-day trial license will instantly be generated so that you can be up and running in minutes. if you decide to convert your trial into a purchase, the proccess is as seamless as it is for our core products. No more context switching, licensing delays, or third-party vendor websites.

You can even try new add-ons from directly within your favorite Atlassian application using the Universal Plugin Manager, in which case we’ll automatically download, install, and insert your license-key information to provide you with an even more seamless add-on installation.

3. Buy – Single Point of Contact for Licensing and Renewals

With Atlassian Marketplace, we handle all licensing, invoicing, and billing. So if you want to buy an add-on all you have to do is add it to your Atlassian shopping cart and checkout. No more dealing with multiple license agreements, multiple points of contact, or multiple approval processes for purchasing external add-ons.

And, again, we’ve pushed all of this functionality into the Universal Plugin Manager for a seamless in-product purchasing experience.

Compatible Add-Ons at Launch

Below is a full list of compatible Atlassian Marketplace-paid add-ons at the time of launch. And we  are adding new add-ons by the day, so keep checking in.

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