What is a Wiki: 14 Myths, Busted

Wiki – we’ve all heard the word before. When you ask someone “what is a wiki?”, the typical response is usually, “oh, a wiki, that’s Wikipedia right?”. Well, kind of. Wikipedia is based on wiki software, but not the kind that’s built for the needs of team and enterprise-wide collaboration. This association is why people have misconceptions and create myths about wikis. It’s time to get the truth about wikis out, mythbusters style.

14 Wiki Myths, Busted

#1 Wikis are hard to use

Absolutely not! Confluence’s intuitive rich content editor makes it easy for users of all levels to contribute to the wiki, quickly and securely. Just click ‘Edit’ and start typing.



#2 Wikis have no structure

Blasphemy! Confluence gives every team, project, and person their own Space to create and share content, organized into its own page hierarchy that you can move and reorder at any time.



#3 Wikis are not secure

False. Permissions at the Global, Space, and Page level give you the flexibility to collaborate with exactly who you want about exactly what you want.



#4 Mistakes happen quickly

Heck no. Of course, mistakes can happen in the wiki, but they can be fixed in seconds, by anyone who has the permission. Every edit is saved as a new version and you can easily revert to any previous version.



#5 Sharing = losing your edge

Are you serious? There’s nothing worse than being an information hoarder. Sharing what you know in Confluence makes you the knowledge creator and your reputation will grow as an idea superstar.


#6 Wikis are not social

Wha-what?! With single-click sharing of pages and blogs, threaded comments for great conversations, @mentions for connecting co-workers, and Likes for showing appreciation, Confluence is a social butterfly.


#7 It’s hard to find things

Not in Confluence. Quick Navigation and Search make sure you find what you’re looking for, fast. Start typing and watch Confluence suggest pages, blogs, files, and people.



#8 Wikis are hard to install

Wrong. You can start using Confluence in the cloud in a matter of minutes, thanks to Confluence OnDemand. Guided installers make it easy to get Confluence up and running on your own servers if that’s your thing.


#9 Training is expensive

Fallacious. Combine ease-of-use with interactive online training in the form of Atlassian University, and you can roll out Confluence to your entire business with little to no cost.



#10 Wikis are not enterprise ready

Some may not be, but Confluence is. Robust Active Directory integration, granular permissions, and connectors for Office and SharePoint make Confluence the best-of-breed enterprise wiki.


#11 ‘Enterprise Wiki’ = expensive

Wrong. With perpetual licenses and cloud subscriptions starting at just $10, you can’t go wrong with Confluence.


#12 Wikis = SharePoint replacement

Not always. If you stick Confluence on top of SharePoint you have a solution. It’s not a replacement. Create, share, and collaborate in Confluence. Archive documents in SharePoint.



#13 Wikis have limited functionality

You’re kidding right? With more than 180 features out-of-the-box and over 400 powerful add-ons, installable in a single-click, it’s easy to customize Confluence for your requirements.



#14 Wikis can’t be evaluated

Nope. Start an evaluation of Confluence in minutes – free for 30 days. Choose between hosting it on our servers or yours – whichever you like.

Convince Your Team

Wiki champion? Need to convince the ‘others’ that the wiki way is the right way? We’ve got your back. Get everything you need – presentations and videos – to help you convince your team why Confluence will help them get more done together, faster.

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