Atlassian Summit 2012 call for speakers

Registration for Atlassian Summit 2012 — which takes place May 30-June 1 in San Francisco — will be announced soon, but in the meantime, you can submit a speaking abstract in our call-for-speakers. We’re looking for talks across a wide variety of topics and areas. Below, I’ve outlined some of the types of topics and case studies we’d like to see represented at Summit 2012.

The art of the team

The theme of this year’s event is Art of the Team and talks should be geared towards showing attendees how to squeeze the most value out of the Atlassian products for helping teams deliver great results. Topic suggestions include:

What makes for a great topic?

  • Personal experiences of how Atlassian tools helped your organization
  • Tips and how-tos that can teach peers at other organizations how to do their jobs better or be innovative
  • Practical take-aways that can help a team improve productivity and communication, or drive down costs and inefficiencies
  • Imagine what a handout “cheat sheet” of your tips would look like for audience members
  • Captivating title and abstract (be different and lure us to learn more about you)
Speakers get a free pass to Summit 2012, which is going to be bigger than in past years with more talks, more attendees, and more activities than before.  Summit features multiple concurrent tracks, birds-of-a-feather sessions, workshops and training, new product and plugin demos, and our infamous Summit party. Submit a speaking abstract today!
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