Bamboo 3.4 Holiday Release – Git Submodules and EC2 Windows Support

Bamboo 3.4 is ready for download and ready to spread a little joy for the holidays. This release provides some gifts for our Git users and will bring joy to those expanding their continuous integration process into the cloud.

What’s New in Bamboo?

Improved Git Support & Compatibility

Git users can get more out of Bamboo during their holiday break. Satisfying many votes from our Git users, Bamboo’s integration with Git is now compatible with Git submodules. Git submodules are simply a reference to another repository at a particular snapshot in time.

The new support for Git submodules allows you to structure your projects the way you want, and makes it easy to build multi-module projects. The full capabilities of your Git client are now at your disposal for Git-based development. Simple and powerful, just like Git!

Note: Building with Git submodules requires that you have a native Git client and add it as an agent capability in Bamboo. If you have not configured your agent capabilities to use your native Git client Bamboo will use the embedded Git client (which does not support submodules).

Curious about Git submodules and how you can use them? Learn about Git submodules here.

Share Repositories

The holidays are all about sharing, so we thought repositories in Bamboo should join the fun. In our previous Bamboo release, we introduced the ability to monitor and check out code from multiple repositories. Multiple repositories in Bamboo are great for both small projects that wish to build and include externally developed open source software as part of their project, and large projects that consist of multiple modules located in different repositories. Whether you are working on a small or large project, you may be using the same repositories across multiple build plans in Bamboo. Following the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle, you can now share your repositories across these plans. Bulk manage repositories across multiple plans with a single configuration change. For admins, that means you don’t have to edit each plan/job to change a repository. All you have to do is go into the Shared Source Repositories, and make your changes there.

A huge time saver for those trying to keep repositories in sync across multiple plans.

Define a shared repository that can be used globally. From there, you can share the configuration with as many plans as you want.

After you update your shared repository configuration, the changes will be picked up by all Plans that use that repository. Share away!

Grow in the Cloud – Elastic Agents with Windows Support

Give your team the ultimate gift, more build power. For those of you taking advantage of elastic agents in the Amazon EC2 cloud, we now have Windows and .NET support.

Growing capacity
Considering growing your Windows instances without having to install Windows? It all comes within an Amazon EC2 image. After the image is spun up, you can be easily connect to your instance with a Windows Remote Desktop application from any operating system.

Windows application testing
Windows instances from Amazon are great for any Windows installer testing. Like a typical VMware image, an EC2 image can easily be discarded after use, which is important because some Windows applications leave too much left over in the registry. If you need to test Internet Explorer for your web front end tests or Microsoft SQL Server for your database backend, it’s all possible on Amazon EC2.

Saving installed applications
Just like Linux AMIs, you can install any packages, add software, and make system configurations. Easily save these changes to your new AMI image, which can be added to your Bamboo EC2 Image configuration.

Windows EC2 with Amazon and Bamboo allows for elastic growth to meet your demands.  Don’t have enough VMWare hardware to go around? Expand your build system into the Amazon cloud, along with Bamboo’s elastic agents.

Want to get going on installing elastic agents on Windows/.NET? Check out a how-to blog on elastic agents and Windows.

“Easy on the Eyes” Emails

There is alot of “bling” flashing around, so we decided to make emails more “blingy”. There are many options to receive builds notifications in Bamboo – RSS, instant messenger, IDE pop-up, through Jira and email (the most popular). The goal of all these notifications is to digest the information you need quickly, so you can resolve any issues. The new email template makes it a whole lot easier to find important information about a build at a glance. Identify which test(s) failed, view code changes, and jump to the context of changes directly from the email. Not to mention, it looks and feels like the Bamboo UI.

Agent Security

Sensitive information is now even more secure in Bamboo. Verify that remote agents are allowed to connect to the Bamboo server, and prevent unknown agents from connecting to the server. When Agent Security is enabled, an administrator must manually approve agents before they can communicate with the server in any way.

There is more…

  • Improved dashboard performance: your dashboard should feel a little snappier with improved caching
  • New Bamboo logo: You may have seen the new Bamboo logo on our website. It is now in the product! 

This release has over 107 new features and improvements implemented. Check out the full release notes for more details.

Ready to download

The Bamboo Holiday Release is now ready for download – get started with a 30-day FREE trial or upgrade your current instance.

Or upgrade to Bamboo 3.4

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