Celebrate those little wins to keep your team motivated

Celebrate those little wins to keep your team motivated

How fostering a recognition-rich environment can lift up your whole team.

Now that the oppressive uncertainty fatigue of the past few years has given way to an uneasy kind of “normalcy,” teams and families and individuals alike are relearning how to embrace the good. While big wins might still feel a bit out of reach, surfacing the small ones – finally planning that vacation, discovering a ritual that bonds your team together – is an important part of our healing process.

So how can we harness the power of small wins in the workplace as it exists now? Or, put another way, how can we mindfully celebrate each other’s incremental acts of progress when so many of us are physically apart, and may be for good? Our research shows that team goal-setting and achievement-celebrating can have a huge impact on team morale, even when we’re not recovering from a global crisis. Even a “great job!” callout at a team meeting or a passing high-five in the hallway can go a long way to help individuals feel appreciated and teams feel connected. And even if your team is scattered across the globe, it’s probably easier than you think.

Fostering a recognition-rich environment

According to Gallup, the most meaningful recognition comes from managers (and managers’ managers, and their managers, all the way up to the executive suite), but the happiest teams are forged in a “recognition-rich” environment, where acknowledgment and appreciation flow freely up, down, and across hierarchies. This certainly includes public declarations of pride for individual and team-level accomplishments, but positive feedback between individuals gets the job done too – literally.

In any environment, the liberal application of employee recognition – including budget-friendly verbal acknowledgments and words of praise – makes for more engaged team members, which means higher productivity, better retention stats, and, well, happier people.

Atlassians enjoy one long-standing company tradition in particular that embodies this focus on the simple yet powerful act of expressing appreciation: our Employee Kudos program. Any employee can nominate a coworker for going above and beyond their job description with a Kudos, which is a small gift – think Amazon gift card, movie tickets, or charitable donation – delivered to the nominee. Remote Kudos simply limit gifts to remote-friendly vendors and utilizes a template for easy electronic delivery.

Ways to celebrate the little wins

Can’t stop, won’t stop

For more on navigating turbulent times with empathy and strength, check out our guide to resilient leadership.

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Employee Kudos are a celebrated tradition for Atlassian, but there are lots of ways that anyone who wants to acknowledge the hard work of a team player – meeting a goal, shipping a project, picking up some slack for a teammate in need – can do so, anytime and from any distance. And while tight budgets are a reality for many, unfortunate circumstances don’t preclude anyone from letting a teammate know that while they may be out of sight, they’re certainly on your mind. Here are some ways to celebrate a teammate gratis.

If you happen to be a manager keen on beefing up your team’s recognition game and have resources to spare, you might look into establishing a formal peer-to-peer recognition program a la our Kudos program. Here are a few other ways to call out a win for a small chunk of change.

Above all, whether your team is totally crushing it or you’re all still reeling from that doozy of the early 2020s, remember to practice empathy. It might come naturally for all of us to “be nice” to each other, but don’t let everyday professional accomplishments go unnoticed or unacknowledged. Those “recognition-rich” teams may just be better off in the long run, as individuals and as a group.

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