Work addiction is real – here’s how to kick the habit

Work addiction is real – here’s how to kick the habit

Not all work addicts are created equal. Take our quiz to find out if and how this affliction manifests for you.

5-second summary

  • Work addiction is the compulsion or the uncontrollable need to work incessantly.
  • Like any addiction, work addiction may stem from underlying psychological needs and may have a negative impact on health, relationships, and, ironically, job performance.
  • Breaking a work addiction may require large and small actions on the part of the individual; however, supervisors should also work to create a culture where true time off is valued.

  • I’m not sure exactly how high my fever is but it has definitely hit the delirious cold-sweat range. 

    It’s just a bout of flu. It will pass. But in the moment, it feels debilitating. My most pressing concern is my phone and the fact that it’s out of reach. It is not, however, because I want to text my partner for ibuprofen, soup, or another blanket (all of which I do very much want). 

    No. I have Slack on my phone. I can check in with the rest of my team. I have things to do. I have emails to answer, notifications to respond to, checklists to finish. I have to work. 

    Sure, I gave my editor the heads up I wouldn’t be in. Sure, he’d told me in no uncertain terms that I was to rest up and not worry; everything would be handled. 

    But what if…? 

    This wasn’t the first time I’d tortured myself for not being at work. I’d had a crisis of conscience for taking two days off at Thanksgiving. Over winter break, I’d completed work tasks in secret because I knew my editor would tell me – as he’d already told others – to stop. He’d make me go bond with my family, or gorge myself on pastries, or do literally anything but work. 

    So why can’t I disconnect, even when I have a good reason? 

    It’s not, as it turns out, due to a hyper-refined work ethic. Rather, I’m an addict, and my job is my drug of choice.

    Is it possible to be addicted to work?

    Yes, work addiction is a real condition. Psychologist Wayne E. Oates coined the term “workaholic” in his 1971 book, Confessions Of A Workaholic: The Facts About Work Addiction. According to Oates, workaholics felt the “compulsion or the uncontrollable need to work incessantly.” And, much like alcoholism (and other addictions), work addiction has been known to damage an individual’s health, happiness, interpersonal relationships, and ability to function socially. 

    Despite that, 48% of Americans self-identify as workaholics – and for many, this a proud identification. Being a “workaholic” is often synonymous with dedication, ambition, and initiative. Employees are exhorted by managers to consistently go “above and beyond.” Raises, promotions, and other perks are handed out to those who take on “extra responsibilities.” If an employee refuses a task because it’s not part of their job, they’re at risk of being viewed as difficult and “not a team player.” 

    Contemporary researchers, however, such as Malissa A. Clark, Ph.D., make an important distinction between “work addiction” and “work engagement.” According to Clark, the difference comes down to motivation. “Engaged workers are driven to work because they find it intrinsically pleasurable – they truly enjoy it – while workaholics are driven to work because they feel an inner compulsion to do so,” she wrote in an article for FastCompany.

    So how do you tell the difference between a compulsive employee and an enthusiastic one? The key is to determine what’s driving their behavior.

    What causes workaholism?

    Much like substance addiction, there are myriad reasons why someone becomes addicted to work. 

    The first and most basic is that work addiction fulfills an underlying psychological need. Similar to alcohol or other substances, work can become an escape. Rather than facing and dealing with uncomfortable or unpleasant feelings and situations, the individual immerses themselves in work tasks. The worker may literally escape a situation by going to work outside regular hours, or this escape can be more figurative – perhaps instead of paying attention to family or personal dynamics, they think about work-related topics. 

    Work addiction may also stem from overcompensation. If someone feels less competent in another area of their life – family, social life, hobbies, etc. – they may devote excessive time and energy to work-related tasks in order to achieve that feeling of competency and validation. 

    The worker may also be reliving old patterns. It could be related to an inability to establish boundaries, attempts to gain approval, or a trauma-related coping mechanism. 

    That said, work addiction may also be the result of underlying or coexisting mental health conditions, particularly ones such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or bipolar disorder. In addition, work addiction can also cause conditions like depression if not treated

    What are the symptoms of a workaholic?

    Someone with a work addiction may show classic signs like working long hours, prioritizing work over other responsibilities and obligations, or being obsessed with work-related success. However, these symptoms may manifest differently in different people. 

    Psychotherapist Bryan Robinson identified four types of workaholics

    It’s important to keep in mind that there are no clear-cut parameters when it comes to identifying work addiction. It’s natural to want a list of boxes to check off that will provide a definite yes or no answer, because conditions like addiction are rarely ever so simple. With that in mind, there are a few things you can look out for as potential indicators of work addiction:

    Any of these traits on their own, or that occur infrequently, are not necessarily definitive proof someone is addicted to their work. But multiple statements that apply to someone over a period of time may indicate a more serious problem.

    How do I break my work addiction?

    I’ll be honest with you: There is no simple fix for work addiction. I know that’s not the cheeriest conclusion to come to, but it’s best to rip the Band-Aid off fast. 

    The fact is, work addiction is an addiction. That doesn’t mean it’s hopeless; it’s just important to be realistic. The first step – as cliché as it sounds – is to recognize that there is a problem. If you’re unable to break your addiction on your own, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor about the best way to move forward. There are both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs that can help manage your compulsive behaviors, though not everyone will need to go that route. 

    That said, a mental health assessment can be beneficial, especially if you haven’t checked up on your mental health in a while. As I said earlier, some mental health conditions can cause or exacerbate work addiction, and vice versa. 

    An alternative to formal, one-on-one therapy is attending group therapy, such as a 12-step group like Workaholics Anonymous, which has a self-assessment questionnaire on their site, as well as an assortment of resources.  

    If you have a good relationship with your manager or a member of human resources, they may be able to help you access resources or assist in other ways. 

    In addition to therapy, lifestyle changes can also improve your ability to handle your work addiction. These can be very simple changes, like taking up a new hobby, or as substantial as changing career. 

    And while a listicle won’t cure a work addiction, there are some very quick, simple things you can try, including:

    How team leads can help prevent work addiction

    If you’re a supervisor, you can play a key role in helping your team avoid work addiction. Here’s how:

    Take some time off, really

    Fortunately, when I had my overworking epiphany, I was in a position where I could take time off. As soon as I was able to crawl out from under the duvet, I marked out a vacation the earliest possible. I’m not going anywhere; I’m just… not working. 

    Taking time away will give you an opportunity to gain some perspective and decide what you want – both personally and professionally. How do you feel about your work? What are the fears and anxieties you have when you’re not working, and where do they come from?

    These can be big questions with complex answers, but it is important to understand why you overwork. Once you understand the causes, you can develop a way forward. Create new habits and routines, identify the stressors that trigger your compulsions, and re-evaluate your expectations of success. 

    Leks Drakos is a rogue academic specializing in monstrosity, post-apocalyptic narratives, and the contemporary novel. He’s also a content writer for Process Street. Follow him on Twitter.

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