5 ways to process feedback at work without triggering a stress response

5 ways to process feedback at work without triggering a stress response

It’s never easy taking criticism. You spent so much time and poured in so much effort—only to have your hard work ripped apart.

Many of us are familiar with the saying, “no pain, no gain.” Generally speaking, I like to avoid or prevent things that can hurt me. When it comes to feedback, however, it pays off to be different! I (try to) embrace the discomfort.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s never painless. We all still feel anxious, scared, and worried when receiving feedback.

“Will they think less of me?”

“If something I wrote is bad, will they think I’m not smart?”

“Oh no, they figured out I flunked that history test in 7th grade.”

Don’t fret—this feeling is totally natural!

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