Assign, discuss, done: more Jira + Hipchat goodness

Together, Jira and Hipchat eliminate shoulder tapping while ensuring that agile teams can collaborate and communicate in real-time. Team members get the information they want, when and where they want it. Does it get any better than that?

Together, Jira and Hipchat eliminate shoulder tapping while ensuring that agile teams can collaborate and communicate in real-time. Team members get the information they want, when and where they want it. Does it get any better than that?

Why yes, it does! The latest Jira Hipchat integration helps you and your team reach “Done” even faster. Introducing Discuss this: a new Hipchat panel right inside Jira that allows team members to enjoy an even more seamless real-time work experience. And if the work on any particular Jira ticket requires discussion in Hipchat, creating a dedicated Hipchat room for that issue is only one click away, right from the new Hipchat panel.

Alternatively, if you’re in Hipchat and need more information about a specific Jira issue, simply mentioning the issue key or cutting and pasting the URL of the issue into the Hipchat room will now reveal all of the relevant information from your Jira ticket. Greater context with less flipping back and forth between tools means more time to get things done.

Now as your team works and Jira issues are being discussed in Hipchat rooms, all of that activity is tracked and is visible from within Jira. Want to see all of the conversation occurring around a particular ticket? Simply enter any room where the ticket is mentioned by clicking on the link provided on the Hipchat panel. The new integration will even drop you into any conversation exactly where the issue was last mentioned.

The new Hipchat panel mitigates confusion by creating a room specific to that issue while simultaneously keeping track of where else the issue is or was mentioned in Hipchat. This paper trail ensures no communication is missed. No more digging into the recesses of your brain trying to remember where you wrote your last comment or where you saw that imperative piece of information to help you reach done, fast.

Agile teams can rejoice in the fact that this new and improved Jira Hipchat integration will help you reach done in real-time and in record time.

Ready to get started?

It’s easier than ever to link your Jira and Hipchat instances. Jira administrators can find the Hipchat integration in their admin settings under System. One click and you’re done!


ProTip: Link Jira and Hipchat in less than 30 seconds:
1. Log in as a Jira administrator or a Project Administrator.
2. Go to the System > Mail > Hipchat integration in the Jira administration console.
3. Select Connect Hipchat.
4. Begin enjoying the new integration!

Try Hipchat free

This integration is automatically available on Jira Cloud. If you have Jira Server, you’ll need to install the plugin from the Atlassian Marketplace.

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