How to Integrate Datadog, Jira, and Slack with Opsgenie

Watch this brief webinar to learn how to set up and leverage integrations between Opsgenie, Datadog, Jira, and Slack.

This webinar covers:

  • Setting up the integrations (Opsgenie, Datadog, Jira, Slack)
  • Working with and acknowledge alerts inside Slack and Jira
  • Leveraging the integrations for more operational efficiency


Shaun Pinney

Sr Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian

Shaun 是 Atlassian Jira Service Management 团队的高级产品营销经理,曾在HubSpot、Backupify、Datto 和 Opsgenie 等科技公司担任过营销和面向客户的职务。当他不主持在线研讨会时,您会发现他骑着山地自行车穿行于新英格兰的丛林中。