Top Premium features on Jira and Confluence

See best practices for the most popular Jira Software, Jira Service Management and Confluence Premium features: advanced planning, Team Calendars, and Asset & Configuration Management.

Join this demo and see how to get the most out of Jira and Confluence Premium, our most popular cloud plan. You’ll also hear about the cloud platform features available across any product on the Premium plan.

In this webinar, you’ll see best practices for:

  • Confluence Team Calendars
  • Jira advanced planning (formerly known as Advanced Roadmaps)
  • Jira-native Asset & Configuration Management
  • Sandbox

…and much more!


Gabby Williams

Product Marketing Manager, Confluence

Gabby is a Product Marketer on the Confluence team. She’s focused on ensuring customers are getting the most satisfaction out of the product and always thinking of new ways to improve collaboration for teams.

Ryan Floersch

Product Marketing Manager, Jira

Райан — маркетолог по продукту в команде Jira. Он хорошо разбирается в agile-разработке и дорожных картах и всегда готов к стендапу.

Shaun Pinney

Sr Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian

Шон — старший менеджер по маркетингу продуктов в команде Jira Service Management. До прихода в Atlassian он занимал должности в сфере маркетинга и работы с клиентами в таких технологических компаниях, как HubSpot, Backupify, Datto и Opsgenie. В свободное от ведения вебинаров время он катается на горном велосипеде в лесах Новой Англии.

Keri Miriello

Product Marketing Manager, Enterprise Cloud

Keri is a Product Marketer on the Enterprise Cloud team. She’s focused on ensuring users have the tools they need, such as Sandboxes, to roll out big changes in the cloud.

Grace Chang

Sr Product Marketing Manager, Enterprise Cloud

Grace is a Senior Product Marketer on the Enterprise Cloud team. She is focused on understanding what challenges customers are looking to solve, and how to ensure they’re getting the most of their Atlassian plans.