Incident Communication is Broken: Learn How to Fix it

When critical systems fail, everyone feels the heat. The teams that communicate best under pressure are the ones who solve incidents faster - so how do they do it?

During this webinar we cover common pitfalls teams face during an incident. We'll also explain how you can quickly improve communication and ultimately reduce downtime during incidents.

This webinar covers:

  • Why communication breaks down during incidents.
  • How to properly communicate with internal and external stakeholders during an incident.
  • How to streamline the process of incident management, and work smarter not harder.
  • Ways to set up proactive incident management using Opsgenie, including: Templates, Incident Command Center.


Kevin Davis

Customer Success Engineer, Opsgenie

Shaun Pinney

Sr Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian

Shaun はアトラシアンの Jira Service Management チームのシニア プロダクト マーケティング マネージャーで、HubSpot、Backupify、Datto、Opsgenie などのテクノロジー企業でマーケティングや顧客対応の役職を歴任してきました。彼はウェビナーを主催していないときは、ニュー イングランドの森でマウンテン バイクに乗っています。