The Atlassian Approach to Incident Management

With the rising expectation of always-on services, it's more critical now than ever before to have a fast, straightforward incident management process.

In this webinar we'll walk through the steps modern IT and DevOps teams are adopting to better respond to, resolve, and learn from every incident.

We’ll cover:

  • Atlassian’s approach to Incident Management
  • How IT Ops teams can modernize their incident response workflow to be more proactive and keep customers happy
  • How DevOps teams can streamline their workflows to quickly respond, resolve, and learn from every incident


Darren Henry

Head of Product Marketing, Opsgenie

Darren Henry leads the Product Marketing team focused on Atlassian’s IT Operations products, including Opsgenie and Statuspage.  Previously the Vice President of Marketing at OpsGenie, Darren has also held marketing leadership roles at multiple technology companies including Onshape, Autodesk, InVue, and DS SolidWorks. He enjoys spending time with family, camping, and more recently, woodworking. Darren holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Florida.

Kate Clavet

Sr. Technical Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian

Come esperta di marketing per i prodotti tecnici, Kate si prodiga per aiutare le persone a ritrovare la calma sul lavoro nei momenti stressanti. È entrata a far parte di Atlassian nel 2018, durante l'acquisizione di Opsgenie, e ha portato con sé una grande esperienza nel settore dell'hardware e del software. Quando non lavora, le piace stare all'aria aperta, leggere e fare sollevamento pesi.