
Embracing remote teamwork

Remote work is on the rise, and it can feel like an entirely new experience for your team. As you transition from seeing your team in-person to collaborating virtually, certain ways you’re used to working might not translate.

Explore self-guided workshops called Plays that can help your remote team create new rituals that improve communication, alignment, and team empathy.

Map location icons

6 Plays for adapting to remote teamwork

graph with plotted points and 3 checkmarks in the upper left quadrant with a blue circular background

My User Manual

Discover what everyone’s remote work preferences are to establish ground rules for better collaboration.

4 lines with slider points in different locations on a blue circular background

Project Poster

Agree on project goals and document how to move work forward.

project poster with a blue circular background

Inclusive Meetings

Encourage diversity of opinion from all your remote team members as you move to virtual meetings.

telescope pointed up towards the stars in the dark blue sky


Help everyone keep track of team progress and project blockers with quick, daily or weekly updates.

project poster with a blue circular background

"4Ls" Retrospective

Provide a structure to celebrate wins, learn from mistakes, and provide honest feedback to improve future projects.

telescope pointed up towards the stars in the dark blue sky

Learning Circle

Create a structure for growing new skills as a remote team and for sharing cross-team updates.

also recommeded

Team Health Monitor


Assess your team’s strengths against eight attributes common amongst high-performing teams, address weaknesses, and come up with a plan of action.



guided health monitor

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