Introducing Top Vendor program for cloud apps

Introducing Top Vendor program for cloud apps

The Atlassian ecosystem has been a game changer for customers like Twilio and Lufthansa that use apps, plugins, and integrations to customize the Atlassian experience. We launched the Atlassian Verified program (now called Top Vendor) a few years ago to help customers identify quality, trusted app vendors that make Atlassian products a custom fit for their teams.

Now, we’ve extended the program to the cloud. See some examples of vendor cloud apps below:


  1. Gliffy for Confluence
  2. Zephyr for Jira – Test Management
  3. Jira Misc Workflow Extensions
  4. Scriptrunner for Jira

We are very excited that customers now have a selection of 300+ cloud apps from Top Vendors and more being added every day! Check out all the Top Vendor apps available now.

Why Top Vendor for cloud?

As an administrator, it can be daunting to install an unknown app to a 1,000+ Jira Software instance, especially in the cloud. Now, admins have top app choices that allow them to create the customized, flexible, and secure Atlassian experience across our cloud product portfolio.

Top Vendors meet the Atlassian standard of quality, which includes benchmarks for adoption, support and vendor reliability. Apps and plugins from Top Vendors tend to have higher review ratings, better customer service satisfaction, and traction in the Marketplace.

Look for the Top Vendor badge right next to the vendor name on any app listing.

What is Top Vendor for cloud?

Top Vendors are considered based on three major criteria:

We constantly monitor app vendors to ensure the criteria is continually met even after they’ve been accepted into the program.

What can I do with apps from Top Vendors?


Customization and extensibility have always been a differentiator for the Atlassian product suite and the Atlassian Verified (now Top Vendor) program has been a staple evaluating criteria for our server products for years. Apps from Top Vendors offer a number of ways to extend the power of Atlassian products, including popular use cases like:

Our cloud app portfolio has grown over 100% during the past year, providing our cloud customers ample options to extend the functionality of our cloud products.

Cloud apps from Top Vendors

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