Atlassian Summit 2014 is done and dusted! 2,300 hangovers have cleared up and the Atlassian crew have finally caught up on some sleep – everyone except our video crew, who have spent the last couple of weeks post-producing more than 100 track sessions and pumping them up to YouTube and Slideshare. That’s probably more than enough content to keep you going until the next Summit, so I thought I’d call out a few sessions that focused on a particular passion of mine: Git.
Nicola Paolucci’s ‘Becoming a Git Master’
Nicola took us on a journey to enhance your Git skills from initiate to master. His presentation includes the finer points of writing custom aliases, advanced techniques for handling conflict resolution (including the magical rerere command), and various approaches to handling project dependencies in Git.
Sarah Goff-Dupont’s ‘Super-powered CI with Git’
Sarah showed the audience how to best compose a repository for use with Continuous Integration servers and showed the benefits and… other benefits, of running CI on feature branches.
Stefan Saasen’s ‘Scaling Git’
Stefan gave an in-depth technical talk on what’s really going on in your repository when you add content, and how that can effect Git performance. Check out this talk if you’re curious about how Git operates under the hood, or want some rapid fire advice on scaling up your Git server.
Marcus Bertrand’s ‘Don’t Fear the Branch’
Marcus, from the Bitbucket dev team, gave a great talk on the branching strategies used by the Bitbucket and Stash teams. He did a great job of contrasting the different techniques employed by SaaS (Bitbucket) and release-based (Stash) development teams at Atlassian. This talk is a must see if you’re struggling with adopting branches at your own organization.
Tim Pettersen’s ‘A Business Case for Git’
I (Tim) gave a slightly higher level talk about why switching to Git isn’t just about developer happiness, but can bring benefits across your entire organization. Take a look (or share it with your CEO) if your organization isn’t yet convinced that the migration to Git is worth the downtime and you’re still struggling along with centralized version control.
BONUS: Jason Hinch’s ‘Extending Stash’
While not a pure ‘Git’ talk per se, Jason’s deeply technical talk about plugin development is a must see if you’re using Stash to host your Git repositories. Find out how to write your own repository hooks and custom source and diff renderers in Stash plugins.
Enjoy! Let us know what you think on Twitter (the authors’ handles are linked above) or in the comments below.